Sunday, January 01, 2006

El día de adios

Well, today is it. It's 5pm EST, which means I leave my house in ten hours. I've got my list of things to bring, and I can only hope that I can follow them. I really can't believe that today is the day/before. It seemed so far away when planning for it, and now it's time. Though there's probably much that I'm forgetting to bring. I've got things like my toothbrush and my towel. Even my danger-sensitive sun glasses.

Matter of fact, here's a few things I won't forget:

These are the guys from my floor at Western. This coming semester is going to be awesome, but I can't wait to get back. I'll have more stories next year.

I had the good fortune to share many breakfast times with these two during the semester.
She who introduced me to Dance Dance Revolution. Yet to be determined if she created a monster or not.
And for her, I'd play guitar as she'd finish her shift at Zimm Hall front desk.

And then there's the kids from Muskegon, but I've yet to get posed pictures of them. (Sorry guys!) And the surprise pictures are more blackmail material than anything else.

I'm leaving this weather:

For weather like:

My camera battery is charged, and I'm ready to take some shots of the horizon when I touch down, but I would be remiss if I were to not link to the page of fellow student from Western.

(There'll be more pictures of me with short hair forthcoming, I'm sure.)

Ah, well. I should have gotten more sleep last night.


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